Today, Baby Para is going as an alien Gummi- Bear:
(You're pregnant.)
It is interesting reading the weekly updates on baby development. This week Baby Para is checking out It's new elbows, and it's ears are developing both internally and externally. We can only hope that maybe good taste in music will develop as well, but at this point it's almost impossible to predict. If, when born Baby Para is asking to listen to that guy from the Digital Underground, we'll know that something probably went wrong. Because the Humpty Hump wasn't cool, ever. It was only the mass denial of the early 90s that made it possible.
The digital rays of the fingers have also made themselves apparent. This is a very important developmental time, as Baby Para's mom has the long fingers of a musician, where Baby Para's Dad, who is a "slightly above back porch" musician, has frustratingly stubby digits. Genetically speaking, this is a very tense time for Daddious. Though Dad does not feel the need to live vicariously through the musical accomplishments of his offspring, he would like it to be an option, nevertheless.
There is also information saying that Baby Para's Mom's Uterus has gone from the size of a fist to a grapefruit, and that we may as well stop buying tests now as they'll all be saying the same thing from this point on.
Well, maybe that second part wasn't mentioned, but the Daddious footnotes for "What to Expect" (Sold separately, payment in Pampers IS considered to be legal currency) do say as much. In the meantime, Daddious is having a "sympathy pregnancy glow" that has to do more with drinking coffee for two, than anything to do with hormones.
Hope you all have a great day...
Perhaps you should tell momious to stop secretly listening to the humpty dumpty when no one is around and only listen to music by, oh I don't know, Sublime (only one of the greatest bands of all time)