Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Anonymous Mommious' perspective on week 7

     So far Baby Para has been kind to me.  I haven't experienced too many of the early pregnancy symptoms.  One of the things that made me suspicious to being pregnant was the fact that every time I drank coffee I started to feel queasy.  Some of the other symptoms I have experienced include headaches, back pain, fatigue, mood swings and occasionally morning sickness (which has been occurring in the afternoon but both Baby Para's parents are non conformist so it makes since that she would be also).  Anonymous Daddious has been wonderful at helping me through my pregnancy symptoms.  He is the best at back rubs, cuddling and putting up with my rapid changing moods.  Thank you Sweetie!
     As far as cravings go Baby Para likes salt, so I have been eating a lot of salty foods.  Some of the foods I have enjoyed ( and thus also Baby Para) include Pistachios, pretzel chips, peanuts, and french fries.  She also likes very hot spicy foods.  Habaneros are a must, and Daddious and I have enjoyed trying to one up each other on our pain tolerance to different types of hot peppers.  I have to be careful though because foods that are too hot may not be good for Baby Para.  There hasn't been enough research on capsacin levels and pregnancy.  (Otherwise I would be kicking Daddious' ass at eating the most hot peppers and waiting the longest before taking a drink of milk)!
     I have started to outgrow some of my clothes.  Thank goodness for GCF (goodwill).  I have been able to buy bigger clothes without spending a big amount.  I don't think I am really showing yet.  I do feel a small hard bump in my stomach though, I am not sure if it is grapefruit size.  It seems more like apple size.
    I will keep you updated on my pregnancy as it progresses.  I would love some advice or words of wisdom from you Mommy's out there as this is my first pregnancy.



1 comment:

  1. You'd better enjoy the spicy food now. Later on it will cause horrible heartburn....
