Week nine, and there's a baby bump on Anonymous Mommious's belly. She's a small thing, so any difference in her body, is going to show. I had my hand there last night wishing to feel a kick. Of course, it's too soon for that. Baby Para's not very big.
So there she or he is. According to what I read, Anonymous Mommious is going to experiece a lot of changes and challenges, such as increased sense of smell, constipation, bloating, flatulence (Wow, huh? Para is making her mom fart) , heartburn and indigestion, excessive saliva, breast tenderness and change (I'm not going to comment on that) fatigue, and frequent urination.
So I've got to treat her well... my experience is that kids usually don't thank their Moms enough for everything that they endured in order to bring them into this world. I'm guilty of that, too... I think that I've thanked my Mom for enduring my dumb decisions and mistakes in life, but not enough. Moms are awesome. There's a level of love that they put into their kids in order to give them the best advantage in life. Their love endures all kind of things, and the pain they go through, they live with it becuase of the determination to bring their child into the world and give them the best advantage.
So thank you Mom, for hauling me around in your womb. Thank you for the pain you endured with my 10.6 pound self when you were giving birth. Thanks for the quiet love you gave to me when I was a baby. Thank you for all of the conversations that we've had. Thank you for teaching me. Thank you for loving me through every mistake and blunder. Thank you Mom, for saving my life and supporting me though the really dark times... I really do appreciate you and I'd give you a huge hug if you weren't so far away. I love you Mom,
And you are the best!
PS: Can I borrow the car? (Just kidding)