Saturday, November 19, 2011

And The Beat Goes On....

  I had my very first sonogram Wednesday.  It was indescribable.  I am very familiar with ultrasounds as I used to perform then on animals all the time at my old job.  However, it iswas completely different when it was done to me.  I feel bad for all those dogs and cats that didn't get warm ultrasound lube because man that was some cold stuff.  Baby Para is still sort of low in my body.  She is in a yolk sac that provides her with nutrients.  She is a little bigger than the size of a dime and looks sort of like a kidney bean.  I LOVE HER. 
  I got to see her little heart just beating away.  It was good and strong.  A normal heartbeat at 6-7 weeks would be 90-110 beats per minute. The presence of an embryonic heartbeat is an assuring sign of the health of the pregnancy. Once a heartbeat is detected, the chance of the pregnancy continuing ranges from 70-90%.  I was definitely nervous about seeing a heartbeat as I always imagine the worst case scenario.  However, Baby Para is strong just like her daddy.  I wish her daddy was there, but he got to see the picture of her.  My next sonogram scheduled on Daddious' day off so he will get to come along!  I will try to get the sonogram picture on the blog soon. 
  I was hopeful that I had almost made it through my first trimester with much ease, but I have three extra weeks to go and I am definitely feeling more morning sickness than before.  That's ok though, it just means Baby Para is growing and needs the extra hormones to allow that to happen.  I have heard that the worse the morning sickness, the more likely the baby is a girl?  Urban myth?  Whatever the case is Baby Para's Mommy and Daddy are going to love her/him with all of our hearts.

-Anynomous Mommious


  1. Urban myth about the more morning sickness meaning more likely to be a girl. Are you leaning towards wanted a girl over a boy? What about dadious? Does he want a boy since he already has a girl?

  2. We both would like a girl. Girls are awesome. A boy would be wonderful too, but we're both fans of girls. A healthy baby no matter what the sex would be a blessing.
